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Rehabilitación Puente Purchena-Pulpí. Almeria

Tuneles Delicias. Zaragoza

Agora Ciudad de las Ciencias. Valencia

Ampliación Centro de visitantes Museo Blas Infante. Coria del Rio. Sevilla

Centro Comercial El Tiro. Murcia

Centro Comercial Arena Multiespacio. Valencia

Centro Comercial Las Arenas. Barcelona

Viaducto O Eixo del AVE Tramo Santiago Compostela - Ourense

Centro Comercial Vilella. Alzira. VALENCIA

Tunel AVE. Tramo Abdalajis. Malaga

Torre Iberdrola. Bilbao

Nueva Terminal Aeropuerto de Alicante


BPI ZAP SCREWLOK® is a positive tension and compression mechanical splice system whose strength is independent of the concrete which surrounds it, thereby providing true structural continuity Applications include heavy construction, field splicing of column steel, beam reinforcement, concrete piles and deck steel.

BPI GRIP-TWIST is a Swaged Splicing and anchorage system that incorporates the use of self-locating taper threaded ends on components for expeditious field assembly. Because parts are swaged to the bars and the threads are formed on the couplers instead of the reinforcing bars, there is no loss of cross-sectional area and the full ultimate design strength of the reinforcing system is maintained.

BPI-BAR GRIP cold-swaged coupling sleeves consist of seamless steel sleeves that slip over the ends of reinforcing bars.
They are deformed onto the reinforcing bar profile to produce mechanical interlock.

BPI BARSPLICER is a reinforcing mechanical splices shall be tension-compression threaded couplers or position couplers with standard unified NC threads, procured with ISO 9001 certification and pre-tested to develop at least 1.25 fy Grade 60.

  • ACI member
  • CRSI member
  • AFCAB certification

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